Advanced Services for the Organization's Client and Operator
LSF Chatbot
is an Intelligent System based on the Intelligent Framework LSF, devoted to offer Services to the Users (Client/Operator of the Organization), with the purpose of giving to the User the solution to its problem or need (expressed in a "ticket"), by means of an interaction with the User, finding also the Class, or Intent, of the ticket.
A key-point is the central role of the User in the System. For this purpose, strong attention will be paid to the Dialogue Plans, to define, tune and improve continuously in order to meet prowing expectations of the Users.
Description of the Interaction Flow of LSF Chatbot
Chatbot LSF Flow is organised in two phases:
Phase 1: (Request by the User to the Chatbot and the first Interaction)
- Given the Request of the User in Natural Language, the System tries to settle its Intent
This phase is based on the capability of the Chatbot of understanding User's problem or needSo it is intrinsically probabilistic and aleatory in nature. Hence it is possible to switch the User to an Human Operator in case of unsuccess
Phase 2: (Requests by the Chatbot to the User and Solution proposal)
- Knowing the Intent, the System implements the "dialog plan" associated to the Intent at configuration level, in order to acquire the info needed for uniquely settle the Solution
Contrary to PH1,PH2 is deterministic and automatic in nature, and can be viewed in the context of RPA (Robotic Process Automation). In this case, failure is only possible due to lack of info
Distinctive Issues of LSF Chatbot
- Full Configurability,
ensured by API-based architecture, for linguistic resources, dialogue plans and key-concepts for Intent Recognition, all managed by the Organisation
- Dashboard
enabling monitoring chatbot functioning and its Correction, Improvement and Evolution. For this purpose, classical Analytics with manual validation and evaluation of the answers to the tickets and automatic Clusterization and Knowledge Discovery to enlight "hidden" properties and issues. This applies also, more generally, to the improvement of the whole Enpteprise Processes. A distinctive feature is that the Dashboard is conceptually and tightly integrated with the Chatbot
- Also on the base of the Dashboard, a continuous improvement Process and Plan
are enabled, with Chatbot Trainign and Self-Learning
based on validated solutions of previous or new tickets and integration with internal Flows
- RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and Integration with Information System of the Organisation, enabling Personalised Solutions
to the User Requests
Conversational System for e-Commerce based on LSF Chatbot
One of the most important emerging trends in e-Commerce, at the international level, cutting-edge between Search Engine and Mobile
- Enable searching and buying products according to an interactive approach, according to a personalised path to move close and progressively reach the desired results.
- Born from the fusion of Chatbot and Interactive Q&A (Question & Answer)
- Especially suited for Multidevice, Multichannel, targeted and progressive selection of the results
- Uses existing data-structures and Knowledge Base (not invasive, reduced marginal efforts)
- Sinergically optimises existing resources and previous investments of the Organisation
- Can be applied in domains different from e-Commerce, for instance HRM, CRM, Tourism and Transport
Success Case: LeasePlan Service for Customer Service
The Chatbot Service has been realised in collaboration with NTTData Italia and is based on LSF Chatbot.
It is accessible from Institutional Portal and Mobile Devices, with the purpose of automise and improve the management process of User's request.
Chatbot Service is integrated with Information System of LeasePlan, in particular with CRM System realised by NTTData Italia