- LSF i COM ©


Objectives and Vision

LSF i COM  born with the objective of improving traditional Search Engine for e-Commerce, for both Precision and Recall of the Results produces by the Engine for a Query in Natural Language. For this purpose, Ontological – Semantic and Machine Learning Techniques area combined. 

LSF i COM  evolved, with large-scale Retail expecially in mind, including Advanced Services, for the  Client and for the Organisation, in order to enable and support  strategies and commercial policies.
Leveraging on distinctive and innovative aspects, it inserts itself in the International trend focused on enabling a Fully Integrated and Personalised Buying Experience,including  devices, phisical and virtual stores, and also Social Environments of the Consumer. For this purpose, basing on Heterogeneus Data of the Client, Knowledge Discovery, Ontology Navigation and Pattern Recognition are used, so contributing to build the New Emerging Vision called "New Retail"

Distinctive Features

Self Learning and Personalisation  allows System tuning  based on the average behaviour of the Client (Self Learning), or also on the behaviour of a specific Client (Personalisation) non only in buying experience, but also concerning its Data and Social Networks, enabling  Knowledge Discovery by means of Advanced Analytics.

Contextualised Search and Knowledge Discovery on Linked Data, combining Organisation Taxonomy and CSK (Common Sense Knowledge). This allows improving both Precision and Recall. Also, Conversational Search based on Chatbot is supported.

Recipes offers an innovative buying experience, that is a Recipes Intelligent Search which allows buying  the needed ingredients , or alternatively starting from the products and finding the "closest" recipes, with the possibility of acquiring the lacking ingredients.

Marketing Policies and Promotional Campaigns in order to ensure better visibility to some products , modifying the composition and the order of the results of some queries, also using banners and shop windows, according to a specific strategy agreed with the Supplier

We paint out in this context the cases, well-established and, at the same time, in continuous evolution and growth, of some italian large-scale distribution Companies
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